Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Project 365: {79/365}

More and more lately I have been nurturing my inner hippie. It feels wonderful, amazing and freeing. 

I've been on this journey my 30th year to simplify in all areas of my life. It has been difficult and I have realized I will always be one part glamorous old Hollywood and one part hippie. Frustrating and wonderful all at the same time. After all, it's who I was created to be. {Makes simplifying my wardrobe nearly impossible, but I really want to.} I've been trying to coin a term for my style and who I am discovering I am as a woman. I have yet to find it but I will share when I do.

{Tired chicken} My girl fits the hippie baby part quite well and frankly, I love it. But... I also love her in a dress, tights and mary janes. :) Hmmm. 

I am going to try and share more of my heart on these blog posts. I find keeping up on a blog and my writing journal impossible these days. We shall see how it goes...


  1. I love your posts Marcelle! I love your hippy-glam style and that M is naturally the same:)

  2. Hippy-glam, hippy-chic, hippy-licious, Ok, maybe not :)
